First Teacher

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The Light We Bring!

When someone asks you to bring your light what do they mean?

During our community connector for year 2023 we celebrated First Teacher turning 10 years old. We honored a community that is formed by various people that contribute their talent and skills to our growing movement. We thanked the families that allow us into their lives and trust us in their parenting journey!

There is no other time in FT where a mixed group of people, parents, partners, funders or staff get to be together in one space and connect to share the victories that are brought on in life, or the difficulties that sometimes are presented to us.

Despite challenges, or obstacles that may occur, people are resilient! We recognize that the most powerful advocate a child has is their parents. We also acknowledge that life is hectic and does not allow room for connecting with other families. For this reason, nights like these are important! Many of us spent the whole night trying to catch up with old connections or welcoming new ones! Some of us were brave to share our story about how being part of FT has impacted their life and their children’s life.

Nonetheless, we are so thankful to all of you who have been sharing your light with us and have committed to continue making the community of FT brighter in the next 10 years!