A Wellness Wednesday Note

Temperatures are dropping, encouraging us to layer up and stay warm and it’s getting dark earlier in the day.

Have you ever had the feeling “Oh goodness, here come the long, cold and gray days of winter?”

Less daylight bring on the need for warmer clothing AND can shift our mood, sleep and hormones.

Fall and Winter weather can also bring on SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) a kind of depression brought on by a change in seasons.

A few symptoms include: Sadness, Fatigue, Carbohydrate cravings, weight gain, and stress.

Tips for combatting SAD:

  1. Move your body. (Dance Party at home)

2. Practice Gratitude. ( What are 3 things you are grateful for today?)

3. Get more sunlight. (Sit by a window. Is it warm enough to eat lunch outside?)

Our Wellness Wednesday therapist Tania DeBarros encourages us to check in with ourselves regularly especially on days where we notice our mood is off and we’re not feeling our best.

Check-in Questions:

Have I eaten?

How is my energy today?

How is my mood?

What would help me feel better now?

Now, we want to check in with you!

How have you been feeling lately?

What helps you get through the Winter months and feel your best?


A Touchpoint


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