First Teacher uses a collaborative model, placing parents and caregivers along with their expertise and experience at the center of what we do.
Look through our calendar to see upcoming programs & events!
For more program details, click the event on the calendar. To RSVP for this month’s events, please use the link below.
Our Programs
Workshops Gallery
Monthly workshops focus on strategies that build language, literacy, and executive function skills.
Adult Book Club
Our no pressure book club allows for interesting conversations about love, drama and other aspects of life.
A veces criando a nuestros hijos viene con unas historias de gozo y una historias de adversidades. Nosotros entendemos y queremos escuchar!
Playdates Gallery
Monthly playdates focus on real-time building of social-emotional skills and relationships.
All Abilities Group
Having a child with different abilities comes it joys and its own sets of challenges. Come share those with us.
Tuesday Parent Virtual Commiseration Party (PVCP)
Parenting is hard. Parenting in isolation is even more challenging. Come share the joys and triumphs that come with parenting.
Community Fairs Gallery
Community-building fun fairs build, strengthen, and sustain our community of powerful parents.
Kids’ Goodnight Book Club
Books have a great way to transport us to amazing stories. Join us on these adventures right before bed!
Talleres en Español
Tenemos mucho de que hablar, y mucho de qué hacer. Todos nuestros talleres nos ayudan a conectar y abrir nuestra creatividad aun más!

First Teacher children enter kindergarten prepared because their parents or caregivers…
…are engaged in a supportive community built on relationships and trust that places parents and their power at the center of all we do.
…have an improved confidence and capacity in their role as their children’s first teachers.
…understand and capitalize on the everyday interactions that build their children’s brains.
…increase their time spent thoughtfully reading and talking with their children.