Family Play Week

Summer 2020, like everyone, we had to pivot to a virtual platform. This summer, we will use a hybrid approach, spending some time together virtually and some time together in person.

FPW 2021.jpg

 PROGRAM HISTORY: In the summer of 2016, to address the importance of play for infants through elementary age children and their primary caregivers engaging in hands-on learning during the summer (when school is not in session), the five partner organizations with aligned missions to support young children and families collaborated to create a pilot program: Family Play Week in Roxbury, MA. In the summer of 2017, three of the founding partners returned and expanded the program to facilitate two sessions of Family Play Week. Our goal, within the next five years, is to facilitate 8 weeks of free, high-quality, engaging programming for families in Roxbury and Dorchester every summer, with local colleges and universities sponsoring each week. 

Family Play Week!

PROGRAM OVERVIEW: During Family Play Week, families participate in formal workshops and more informal learning and sharing. The Family Play Week partners collaborate with places where families can stimulate their children’s curiosity and have sufficient time to play. There is critical time built into each day for opening and closing circle, loosely structured play time, outdoor play time, and transitions. In addition, the schedule for Family Play Week is created to ensure both adults and children have time to build relationships and share knowledge. 

PROGRAM GOALS: BPS’s Countdown to Kindergarten, the Boston Children’s Museum, Vital Village and First Teacher identified three specific goals for the program: 

  1. Build a mutually beneficial partnership for authentic learning and family engagement

  2. Create experiences that will support families as they connect with other families in their neighborhood

  3. Celebrate the power of play

Apply for week one (July 5-9th) here!

Apply for the Spanish week (July 15-19th) here!


Annual Appeal


Building Brains, One Book at a Time